Monday, May 3, 2010

Unusual Items found in Rivers of America

This year was the big Rivers of America refurb in Disneyland park. This is the first time Disney has drained the entire area in 7 years! Can u imagine all the treasures which have fallen to their watery grave in that amount of time?

The OC register put out an article in their "Around Disney" section highlighting all the strange and random things workers have found at the bottom of the river. (No dead bodies this time...) Included in the list of artifacts is half a Canoe! How in the world do you leave half a canoe at the bottom of the river?? and none of the Disney hoity toities figured they should retrieve it? maybe they forgot... "Oh Ya! That's where that half of the canoe went!"

To read all the odds and ends discovered here's a link to the FULL ARTICLE :

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